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Cmpdi Requirement 2022 , Serveyor, Asst Driller, Asst Foreman & Other – 198 Posts

 Applications, through prcper channel, arc invited from the deparrtmental candidates only of Coal Iodia Limited and its Subaidiary Companies for selection lo different posts. as given below. in the NCWA.X pay fulfilling follorving eligibilit] oriteria as per C adre Scheme :-

1. Surveyor (M) T&S Gr. B-

Qualification:- Matriculation with Survey Certifi cate of competenc) granted by DGMS. The date ofissue of Survey Certifi cate of Competency granted by DCCMS should be on or before the cut-ofl date i.e date of issue ofnotiflcation.

2. Assistant Driller (T), T&S Gr. C

Qualification:-Malriculale \dlh 03 yrs. Diploma or equivalent in. Mech / Automobile Engineering preferably in driiling

3. Asstt. Foreman (Mech.) (T), T&S cr. C

Qualification:-Diploma in N'lech. Engineering (Minimum 03 )rs. Course)

4. Overseer (Civil), T&S Gr. C

Qualification:-Matriculation or equivalenl and possess a recognized Dip. in Civil Engg. (3 yrs. Course)    

5. StaffNurse T&S Gr C

Qualification:-l0+2 Plus 'A' Crade Nursing Diploma or certificate liom a recognised Institute approved by the Gov

6. Jr. Sc. Asstt. Gr-ll Gd- D

Qualification:-Gmduate in Science with Chemistry as one ofthe subjects

7. Jr. Data Enlry Operator (Trainee) T&S Gr.

Qualification:-Matriculate or equivalent ceftificate.

8. Dresser Gr. II T&S Gr. E

Qualification:-Matric with one year tmining certifi cate from Company Hospital/Recognised Institute/Govemment Hospital elc.

9. Clerk (OL) Gr Ill. ClericalGd-lll

Qualification:-l. Matriculation or €quivalent exam. from any rccognised Board ofExam., with Hindi as one ofthe subject. OR 2. Matric with certificate in Hindi like Prabhakar, Pmveshika etc.

10. Rigman Cat-ll

Qualification:-Mariculate with ITI Trade Cerliflcate or equivalent in Mech. / Automobile trade. NB Those possessing higher qualifi cation viz. Dip./Degrce cefl ifi cate in Mech./Automobile trade can also apply.

11. Driver ('l ), CatJl

Qualification:-l. Class VIII standard pass & 2. Must b€ in possession of valid Driving License for heavr_ vehicle.

The etigible depanmental candidarcs of CMPDI/other subsidiaries ol ClL rrho lrlfills requisire qualification and lenglh ofservice as per provision ofCadre Schcme and as indicaled above rray lpfl! n prescribed lbnn and submit th.ough proper channel. To avoid delay and smoolh completion ofjob. fbllo$rng -1e!irirnls have been taken:

l. O.e employec me] apply lor one post only. 

2. The application should h: in the prescribed format and $roug r propr:r channcl. 

3. Deparmental candidales in the s6me discipline of same or higher designation/grade of the abovc vacancy who are interested for transfer to CMPDI may also apply and on transfer they will be posted at CMPDI in their exis(ing gmde/capacily. They are required to submit only Biodrta Sheet eoclooed, through prop€r channel. 

4. last date ofsubmission ofapplication by applicanl is 25.03.2022 (Fridry). And last date ofreceipl of duly forwaded hardcopy of application al lhe office of GM (P&A), P&A Deptt-, CMPDI (HQ), Ranchi- 834 031 by CIL & its subsidiariesntls of CMPD| is 31.03.2022 (Tbursday)

5. Employees applying for same grade/category will be treated as a case of horimntal uansfer/ 

6. Employees who are cunently in higher post may not be allowed to apply for post in lower grade/category.

 7. Employees of CN4PDI who recently recruited on purely technical post by way of outside direcl recrurtrnent may nol be allosed to apply. 

8. On selection, employees may be posted on selected post as per requirement only. 

9. Cutoff date lor dctermining eligibility of experience & qualificalion as per Cadre Scheme is 24-02.2022 (f hursdry). 

10. All applicants must send atlest€d photocopies ofall supporting documenb (educational qualification / C6ste / PH Cenificate etc.) along with lhe app,icalion form. lncomplele applications received after due date w;ll not hc cntertained.

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